About the Artist

Perhaps our most extraordinary talent as human beings is in our ability to imagine that which does not exist. To create something unreal that, for a moment, feels as engaging, as important and as fascinating as our realities.

I've spread my practice across many mediums, from bronze sculpture to digital illustration, experimenting constantly. Born in 2002 into a long line of sculptors, creating art felt like an inevitability. Throughout my practice, I have been heavily influenced by storytelling and fantasy worlds, finding inspiration in film, comics and fairy tales. Graduating from the National Art School in 2022, I am continuing to develop my practice. Through my artwork, I aim to engage in storytelling experiences that allow the viewer to step inside a new world and form an independent and unique narrative between themselves and the work.


Artist CV

2020 - 2022 - National Art School, Bachelor of Fine Arts
​2016 - current - Artist Technician & Mouldmaker


2022 - BFA Graduation Show, Darlinghurst, Australia
2022 - Sculpture at Sawmillers, NAS collective- Agent Orange, Sawmillers, NSW
2022 - NAS Stairwell Gallery, Darlinghurst, NSW
2021 - Annual Exhibition of Russian artists of Australia, hosted by Unification newspaper
2020 - Jocelyn Smith Annual Philosophy Art Prize, Bay Gallery, Etalong, NSW
2020 - A Central Vision at Gosford Regional Art Gallery, NSW
2019 - A Central Vision at Gosford Regional Art Gallery, NSW


2020 - Year 12 Prize for A Central Vision 2020, Gosford Regional Art Gallery, NSW
2020 - 2D Highly Commended, Jocelyn Smith Annual Philosophy Art Prize, Bay Gallery, Etalong, NSW